White Paper: Crawl, Walk, Run – Service Catalog

White Paper: Crawl, Walk, Run Approach to Building an IT Service Catalog

Tips and techniques to build out your service catalog - in smart, easily digestible pieces.

In reading this paper, you’ll discover best practices to develop and present a service catalog that positions your IT department as service-centric, maximizing customer satisfaction levels. You will understand the differences between the service catalog and service portfolio – they’re not the same, although many believe that they are.

As in prior Emtec papers, wel frame this discussion within our “crawl, walk, run” approach, which enables an IT department to pursue other business objectives without major disruptions to day-to-day operations. This phased-in approach significantly increases your chance for success by helping you avoid many of the pitfalls in service catalog development.

Click below to read the full white paper.

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